Article Component

The Article component in Craft Design System is designed for rendering content-rich sections with proper semantic structure and typography styles. It's ideal for blog posts, news articles, or any long-form content.


import { Article } from "@/components/craft";


Wrap your article content with the Article component:

  <h1>My Article Title</h1>
  <p>This is the first paragraph of my article...</p>
  {/* More content */}


The Article component accepts the following props:

  • children: React.ReactNode (optional)
  • className: string (optional)
  • id: string (optional)
  • dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: string } (optional)


Semantic HTML

Uses the <article> tag for proper document structure.

Typography Styles

Applies Tailwind Typography styles for consistent and attractive text formatting.

Responsive Design

Automatically adjusts styles for different screen sizes.

Dark Mode Support

Includes dark mode styles for better readability in low-light conditions.


You can customize the Article component by passing additional classes through the className prop:

<Article className="custom-article-class">{/* Your article content */}</Article>

Typography Styles

The Article component applies the following typography styles:

  • Neutral color scheme with dark mode support
  • Adjusted font sizes for headings and body text
  • Proper spacing for paragraphs, lists, and other elements
  • Styled links with hover effects
  • Customized blockquote and code block appearances


Here's an example of how to use the Article component with some content:

import { Article } from "@/components/craft";

export default function BlogPost() {
  return (
      <h1>The Future of Web Development</h1>
        As we look ahead to the coming years, web development continues to
        evolve at a rapid pace...
      <h2>Emerging Technologies</h2>
        <li>Progressive Web Apps</li>
        <li>AI-driven Development</li>
        "The only constant in web development is change." - Anonymous
        As developers, we must stay adaptable and continue learning to keep up
        with these exciting changes.

This setup provides a well-structured and styled article that will look great on any device and in any color scheme.

Best Practices

  1. Use semantic HTML tags within the Article component for better structure and accessibility.
  2. Take advantage of the built-in typography styles for consistent formatting.
  3. Use the className prop for minor style adjustments, but avoid overriding core styles unless necessary.
  4. Consider using the dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop when rendering content from a CMS or other external source, but be cautious of potential security risks.

The Article component in Craft Design System makes it easy to create beautifully formatted, responsive, and accessible content with minimal effort.